been several months since I last nursed by baby boy. To be honest, I don't remember the exact day; oh how I wish I remember and cherished that last time more, but I didn't know it would be the last time. Reality is sinking in that I no longer have a baby, but a toddler who is growing more independent every day. How did the time go so fast? How can both my babies not be babies anymore? That stage of life is behind me. Now we are in full toddler mode - discovering new words, scraped knees, temper tantrums from time to time. Sure, they still lay on my chest, but every day I feel their bodies heavier and feet dangling lower on my sides; how can something so simple feel so exciting and sad all at once? I love the memories of their first days in my arms, firs steps, first words... to think, there are so many first behind us. First are easy to remember... easy to document, but lasts... they aren't as easy all the time. There will be more lasts that I will want to remember and cherish, but I simply won't know it's a last until it's in the past. With all that said, I'm so beyond excited to see them continue to grow and learn. I can't wait to see the people they become, and the lives they touch. I can't wait to see what mark they make on the world - but right now I'm going to continue to live in the moment every day and cherish every movement with them. I love you, kiddos.... a bushel and a peck.