I LOVE Christmas time! It is my absolute favorite Holiday! I think it's because I have such fond memories from when I was a little girl! I remember crafting with my Mom-mom and I remember she loved Christmas just as much as I do now. My husband thinks I'm crazy because sometimes I go overboard with the holiday stuff. I like to call him a "Grinch"! I just want my kids to have the same fun Holiday memories as I did growing up! My parents always made Christmas so special for us and I want to do the same for my children. Here are a few Holiday musts in my house.
1. Make Decorating a big deal! We always make a day out of it! We blast the Christmas music. We sing, dance and decorate the entire house. My oldest was really into it this year! He is at such a fun age now!

2. Bake cookies! We like to bake cookies every week in our house during the month of December. It's fun to make different cookies and it's a great activity to do with the kids!
3. Make Christmas Ornaments. My favorite memories with my Mom-mom were always crafting so I've become quite the crafter especially when it comes to Christmas time!
4. Write a Letter to Santa. This was especially fun this year. My oldest went through a toy catalog and circled items he would like. I then helped him write a letter to Santa. Our local mall has a mailbox you can drop the letter in and Santa will write you back!
5. Get your pictures with Santa. This year was the first year my oldest was not scared of Santa. Getting our pictures this year was a little different because of covid but I actually liked it better. My son didn't have to sit on Santa's lap and instead sat socially distanced in front of him. They allowed us to take the mask off for the picture only. It was great! (I left our youngest home with my husband because he is still so little & probably would have cried).

6. Make a Gingerbread House. Every year my Mom's side of the family gets together and we have a huge Gingerbread making Contest. We have been doing this for over 15 years but this year because of covid we decided not to do it. Instead we did it at home as a small family. It was still just as fun!
7. Sponsor a child for Christmas or Donate some toys to a local charity. It is very important for me to teach my children kindness and how to be selfless. It's important to give to those who may not have as much as we do especially during the Holidays. I try and make a fun day out of this. We will go to a local toy store and I'll have my son pick out a few toys he would like to give away. I usually reward him for his kindness with a happy meal on our way home.
8. Watch your favorite Holiday Movie! Make it a fun movie night. Grab the popcorn and some candy and let the kids stay up a little later than usual to enjoy a fun Holiday movie.
9. Drive around and look at Christmas lights. This is a favorite in my house! We all get in our pajamas and pile in the car once it gets dark. We then stop at Wawa before our adventure to get some hot Chocolate. We hit up about 5 different houses in our neighborhood with amazing Christmas light displays. This is probably one of our favorite must do's! You can use this website to see if there are any amazing light displays near you:
10. Attend Christmas Eve Church. We have been going to church every Christmas eve since I was a little girl. Our Church puts on a magical display of lights and music for Christmas and even have a live Nativity! It really is so beautiful! I'm not sure if we will be able to go to Church this year because of Covid but I'm hoping they will stream it on t.v.!

I look forward to doing each and everyone one of these things each year! It's what made Christmas so special for me growing up! Maybe you could try some of my fun ideas and make lasting memories with your family!