We all want our kids to help around the house...right!? Well here are a few tips and tricks I've come across to help my kids get those chores done!
1. Make a chore chart and reward with either money or treats once one chore is completed. For my younger children I only have a few chores to be completed a week and I use pictures to show the chores. My one son also enjoys checking the chore off the list himself. It gives him a sense of accomplishment!
2. Turn sweeping/mopping into a fun dance party. Grab a broom and blast some music while you sweep away the dirt!
3. Hide coins under items you want your child to dust. Any coin they find they get to keep!
4. Play a fun matching game with a pile of clean socks! Who ever matches the most socks the fastest gets a treat or a sticker! (If you have any lonely socks turn them into dust mitts for your kids).
5. Have a scavenger Hunt! Make a list of items laying all over the house and set a timer for 5 to 10 minutes. Have kids collect items. The winner is the child who collects the most and puts them back where they belong.
6. Before or after dinner do a "10 minute tidy up". Set a timer for 10 minutes and have your kids tidy the days mess away!
7. Make it a contest! Toy room a mess? Have your kids race who can clean the toys off the floor the fastest!
8. Get Your kids a back of the door laundry Basketball hamper and make picking up laundry loads of fun! (Pun intended)
9. Roll the dice!! Make a chart of chores and list them from one to five. Have your kids roll the dice. Whichever number their dice lands on they have to complete that chore for the day.
10. Musical Chairs! Have your child set the table by playing the game musical chairs. Give them plates, utensils etc. & play some music. Have them circle around the kitchen table. When the music stops that's where they place the plate or utensil!
You may need to tweak some of these chores to make them more age appropriate for your child/children. You may also need to change the reward. Older kids may get money where as younger children would get a small or toy. Hope this makes chores more fun in your home!