Now I am super organized. I have always been my entire life. I always grew up having the cleanest room out of my 2 sisters. It may be because OCD runs in my family. But being this way is how I stay sane. Living in a messy house gives me anxiety. Who wouldn't want to live in a clean organized home? My friends and family think I'm crazy for having such a neat house with 2 young boys living here and a husband but it's just the way I like to live and having a clean organized home brings me joy. Now don't get me wrong...most days our playroom looks like a bomb went off but I make sure to tidy it up at the end of each day. Here are just a few things I suggest doing everyday to eliminate a big mess at the end of the week!

#1 Make Your bed! Believe it or not I actually just started doing this. I will tell you, it is such an easy task and it will make you already feel accomplished for the day!
#2 Make a list for the day! I either use a little cute notebook I have or just a sticky note works! I write things down like: dishes, laundry, call Dr. Etc. Anything that I want to accomplish that day gets written down. Once you have completed a task cross it off! It really feels great crossing things off that list!
#3 If you make a mess doing something like cooking or a craft with the kids... CLEAN UP RIGHT AFTER! If you clean as you go you will not have a big pile of dishes left in your sink at the end of the day or a big paper mess to clean up later.
#4 Do the Dishes! If you have a dishwasher run it before you go to bed. When you wake up in the morning it will be clean and ready to unload. I try to empty it in the morning after breakfast. No one wants to wake up to a sink full of dishes! In our house as soon as we are done with a dish we rinse it and then pop it into the dishwasher right away. (Side note: doing dishes is my least favorite chore!)
#5 Deal with that paper pile right away! When the mail comes open it right then and there. Do not put it aside into a large pile that never gets touched. I have a mail organizer where I keep important bills that need to be paid. I make sure to keep it somewhere I pass or see daily! For junk mail recycle it and any personal mail that is no longer needed like bank statements or medical information just put through a shredder.
#6 Use your phone Calendar!! Every phone has one! I set mine up to remind me when a bill is due or when one needs to be paid by! If you don't want to use your phone calendar print a blank one out from the internet and tape it to your fridge to use! I have never missed a bill because of this!
#7 Baskets, containers and MORE baskets! Keep things organized with these items! The most important way to stay organized is to declutter! You can't organize a cluttered house! I try to keep in my house only what we really need. I go through the house monthly and donate toys, clothes, blankets etc. The less things You have the more money you save and the less time you spend cleaning it up!
#8 Put things in a Laundry basket as your going about your day that need to be put away. Then when you go to bed put the things you've collected throughout the day away, like random kid toys, clothes, shoes etc.
#9 Do one thing at a time! Do not multitask! You may think you are getting something done quicker but you are not! I myself always seem to forget things when I try and multitask!
#10 Last but not least do a quick sweep through of the house at the end of the day and tidy up a bit. I also like to tidy throughout the day so I don't have much to clean up at the end of the day.
There you have it folks! These are the things I do daily to keep myself and my home organized! I hope some of my tricks and tips can help you stay organized too!